Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Blogger Virgin

My first post to a blog ever!  And Elise is the one that made it happen.  How'd I meet Elise?  In high school - although that's a bit of a stretch.  She was attending and I worked there, but it is how we met.  From her first phone call until today, we have been partners in the game of life.  I like to think of her as the daughter I would've chosen, had I been given the gift of children.  The good and the bad, we've shared a lot.  And, it's not just one sided.  When my mom died almost 2 years ago, she was a person I "needed" to connect with; I knew she'd make me laugh and feel better.  When she's had hard times, I want to be someone she calls for advice and sympathy.  I couldn't be more happy that she's taken this opportunity to experience Latvia - and now Germany.  I'm still in high school - and she's still feeling her way through life.  It works for us.

Everyone says you can't choose family - I disagree.  I recognize that we choose our family throughout our lives.  Blood family is easy - finding your true family takes time and effort.  Elise, you've been worth the time and effort.

There - I blogged!  I may even try this again!  =)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Life in Riga is.... different.

I have been here three weeks today. It's weird. I feel like I've been here forever, and for no time at all. There's so much to do here - so much work, so many projects. There's so much excitement around what I'm doing, and the people I work with here... well they're wonderful.

I think the people really make the place though. Everyone I've met here is amazing.... but it's not the same. They aren't my friends from home. It isn't the life that I left behind - not to say that's a bad thing. Quite the opposite... it's amazing that things are so different here.

I have so much I want to write, but I'm really busy. and it's 11pm. the next two days are going to be awesome, but hellish at the same time. I'm always checking this. I love you <3